SINCE 2004


Guided visits by architects to architectural works


Mercado da Ribeira | Aires Mateus  | © Arlindo Camacho
Mercado da Ribeira | Aires Mateus  | © Arlindo Camacho
GS1|  Promontório   | © Fernando Guerra FG+SG
GS1|  Promontório   | © Fernando Guerra FG+SG
GS1|  Promontório   | © Fernando Guerra FG+SG
GS1|  Promontório   | © Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Ribeira das Naus | João Nunes | João Gomes da Silva | Carlos Ribas | © Nuno Cera
Ribeira das Naus | João Nunes, João Gomes da Silva e Carlos Ribas | © Stefano Serventi
Ribeira das Naus
Banco de Portugal Head Office
Banco de Portugal | Gonçalo Byrne e Pedro Falcão Campos | Lisboa | © José Manuel Rodrigues
Banco de Portugal | Gonçalo Byrne e Pedro Falcão Campos | Lisboa | © José Manuel Rodrigues
Teatro Thalia | Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos e Patrícia Barbas e Diogo Lopes Arquitectos | Lisboa | © Daniel Malhão
Teatro Thalia | Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos e Patrícia Barbas e Diogo Lopes Arquitectos | Lisboa | © Daniel Malhão
Teatro Thalia | Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos e Patrícia Barbas e Diogo Lopes Arquitectos | Lisboa | © Daniel Malhão
Teatro Thalia | Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos e Patrícia Barbas e Diogo Lopes Arquitectos | Lisboa | © Daniel Malhão
Extensão do Oceanário | Pedro Campos Costa | Lisboa | © Radek
Extensão do Oceanário | Pedro Campos Costa | Lisboa | © Radek
Pavilhão de Portugal | Álvaro Siza Vieira | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Pavilhão de Portugal | Álvaro Siza Vieira | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Pavilhão de Portugal | Álvaro Siza Vieira | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian | Alberto Pessoa, Pedro Cid, Ruy Athouguia | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian | Alberto Pessoa, Pedro Cid, Ruy Athouguia | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Museu Calouste Gulbenkian | Alberto Pessoa, Pedro Cid, Ruy Athouguia | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Offices at Expo | Aires Mateus | Lisboa, Expo | © Fernando Guerra
Escritórios na Expo | Aires Mateus | Lisboa, Expo | © Fernando Guerra
Escola Superior de Música | João Luís Carrilho da Graça | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Escola Superior de Música | João Luís Carrilho da Graça | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Escola Superior de Música | João Luís Carrilho da Graça | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Escola Superior de Música | João Luís Carrilho da Graça | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Bar à Margem | Pedro Falcão Campos | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Bar à Margem | Pedro Falcão Campos | Lisboa | © Fernando Guerra
Chiado | Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura | Lisboa |  Luís Ferreira Alves
Interior do Chiado | Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura | Lisboa |  Luís Ferreira Alves
Interior do Chiado | Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura | Lisboa |  Luís Ferreira Alves
© Fernando Guerra

In this city, you can build multiple tours. Choosing the theme of urban redevelopment, there are two very rich insurmountable experiences as a process of urban management and as architecture as a process: the Park of Nations and Chiado.

The first is located at the edge of the river above a run-down area which is occupied by industrial units in the process of becoming obsolete. Lisbon's 1998 World Exhibition was a chance to build a new city, a move unprecedented since the end of the Estado Novo (the totalitarian government 1919-1974). At this site we have the opportunity to visit some significant architectural objects by such names as Siza Vieira, Carrilho da Graça, Manuel and Francisco Aires Mateus, Manuel Salgado, Manuel Tainha and Peter Chermaief, and some of the best outdoor architectural examples by the landscape architects João Nunes and João Gomes da Silva.

The other site we will visit, the Chiado, is at the heart of the city. Following the great fire of 1988, Siza Vieira has intervened in this 'grand edifice', which constituted Lisbon in the era of Marques of Pombal. Vieira has reconstructed the 18th Century Chiado, giving us a masterful lesson in intervention in heritage.